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European Week of Regions and Cities

List of partners

  • Belgium
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA)
  • Germany
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA) | Managing authority of EU funded programme
  • Italy
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
  • Italy
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA) | Managing authority of EU funded programme
  • Italy
Academia/ Research institute
  • Netherlands
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA) | EU institutions | Managing authority of EU funded programme | EU funded project | European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC) | Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO) | Association | Enterprise/ Company
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
  • Czechia
Academia/ Research institute
  • Finland
European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation (EGTC)
  • Luxembourg
EU institutions | EU funded project | Association
  • Belgium
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA) | Association
  • Belgium
  • Belgium
Enterprise/ Company
  • France
Managing authority of EU funded programme
  • Slovakia
Managing authority of EU funded programme | Enterprise/ Company
  • Germany
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO) | Association
  • Belgium
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA) | Managing authority of EU funded programme
  • Finland
National administration
  • Germany
  • Netherlands
EU funded project | Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
  • Italy
EU funded project
  • Belgium
EU institutions
  • Belgium
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
  • Belgium
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA)
  • Croatia
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
  • Malta
Academia/ Research institute
  • Norway
Academia/ Research institute | Enterprise/ Company
  • Norway
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA)
  • Romania
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO) | Other
  • Spain
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO) | Association
  • Finland
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA) | EU funded project | Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO) | Association | Enterprise/ Company
  • Spain
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA)
  • France
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA)
  • Spain
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
  • Netherlands
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA) | Managing authority of EU funded programme
  • Greece
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA)
  • Portugal
Local and Regional Authorities (LRA)
  • Germany
EU funded project | Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO) | Association
  • Belgium
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
  • Belgium
Non-Governmental Organisation (NGO) / Civil Society Organisation (CSO)
  • Ireland