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European Week of Regions and Cities

Social integration in European Creative Cities: new research tools and insights

Is it possible to measure culture and creativity? In this workshop, the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission will present the 2019 edition of the Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor benchmarking tool and the final version of the companion Cultural gems, a Europe-wide collaborative map aimed at supporting citizens' engagement with Europe's culture. Two testimonial cities - Eindhoven and Vilnius - will share their views and experience, showing how the Monitor 2017 has already contributed to shape their policies and how they plan to use the new data and findings.

Tue 8, October 2019
09:15 - 10:45 CET
Valentina Alberti, Policy analyst, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
Vytautas Mitalas, Vice Mayor, Vilnius City Council.
Tanja Mlaker, Directeur Cultuur Eindhoven, Cultuur Eindhoven.
Valentina Montalto, Policy analyst in charge of the Cultural and Creative Cities Monitor project, Joint Research Centre of the European Commission.
Francesco Panella, Policy assistant, European Commission Joint Research Centre.
Egle Radvile, Advisor to the City administration, City of Vilnius.
A more socially integrated Europe
European Commission - DG JRC
English (EN)