EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Promoting salvage and reuse in the EU construction sector
Sessions (36)
Showing results 1 to 20
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Regional Climate Action Plan as a tool to start change - Talks
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
15 years of Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs: Empowering and connecting entrepreneurs across borders
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
PEACEPLUS: Building a More Peaceful, Prosperous and Sustainable Future in a Post-Conflict Society
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Interreg Volunteer Youth: Regions' Talent for Cooperation
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
b-solutions: Solving Cross-Border Obstacles for Convergence between Border Regions
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Urban needs and opportunities: results of the EUI survey
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
The Transition Lab – dedicated space for co-creating the circular transition - PK
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Empowering SMEs: How the Enterprise Europe Network and European clusters can help
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
SodaSense: Advanced big data management for mobility, weather and agriculture
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Inspiring Change: New actions for greening cities
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Digital housing solutions: smart growth for regions
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Sustainable buildings and cities: the potential of integrated urban farms
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
EU Regional Policy empowers regions through bottom-up solutions in North Rhine-Westphalia
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Driving Sustainable Tourism: Key actions for local resilience - Talks
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
What money can buy
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Spačva Basin: Land of the oaks – saving the forest to save us all - PK
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
FRED: Innovating Climate Change Solutions through Remote Sensing
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
Setting the standard for sustainable and integrated mobility in the Porto Metropolitan Area
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha |
The true cost of unhealthy urban environments: how healthy cities can save money