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European Week of Regions and Cities

Community engagement on food and climate change through young people's participation

Although young people have little opportunity to make their voices heard, they are willing to shape their cities' future. An alliance of local authorities, within the EU-funded Food Wave project, has put youth participation in the limelight, with the aim of empowering its role as changemakers. The workshop will focus on a format developed during the project to promote young people's participation while promoting community engagement on the themes of food, climate change and sustainability.

  • Urban | EU/ European | International | Climate and environment | Sustainable | Governance and Public administration | Food | Youth and citizens engagement
  • Code: 11WS23176


Alina Nicoara

  • Deputy director general, Brasov Metropolitan Agency for Sustainable Development

Mariola Plaza Rodriguez

  • Project Manager, Ayuntamiento de Madrid


Practical information

Wed 11/10/2023, 11:30 - 12:30 CET
Promoting social innovation
Social media
Food Wave Project



Session summary

The workshop focused on community engagement with regards to food and climate change through young people’s participation, starting from the experience of Food Wave project.
Food Wave is an EU-funded project led by the Municipality of Milan and implemented by a 28-partner wide partnership, which includes European LAs, NGOs and the Municipality of São Paulo. The aim is to promote young people’s action towards a sustainable food system, through inviting them to take action in their cities, involve their communities and take an active part in institutional decisions, in order to reach the goal of a sustainable food system by 2030.

The key messages of the event were:
• fostering cooperation between local authorities and civil society is necessary for the social, political and economic development of communities
• importance of supporting young people’s participation in shaping the future of their cities, first of all for what concerns sustainability
• to create an alliance between institutions and young people is the most effective way to involve them in a participative process
• Food Wave project has developed a participation model, based on street actions co-created by young people to promote awareness on the food and climate nexus, that can be replicated by other cities
• First step to engage young people in a dialogue with local authorities is reaching out to entities and associations already working with – or made by – young people
• Second tip is to use a type of communication close to young people’s habits, such as on social media and with influencers
• To promote a more sustainable food consumption and production, young people should start from awareness-raising
• Promotion initiatives co-created by young people and LAs should include interactive activities, in order to engage the local community on sustainability themes
• Examples of initiatives co-created by young people’s associations and Las can be: sustainable cooking courses; “green walks” to discover edible plants in neighbourhoods; local vegetables festivals; informal talks by young people in the public space….
