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European Week of Regions and Cities

Regions and cities go green and digital

By flashing different data visualisations, we can tell stories on how far we are from reaching the targets of the twin transition. Statistics highlight the regional and urban-rural disparities in the digital transformation. Climate change has hit regions in Europe differently – as the data show. Moreover, you will see what we have achieved in terms of the European Green Deal goals (GHG, energy, sustainable transport). Data are from the 2024 Eurostat regional yearbook.

  • Territorial | Urban | Local and regional | Energy | Climate and environment | Sustainable | Mobility and Transport | Digital and ICT | Research and Innovation
  • Code: 09TK24860
  • Albert Borschette Conference Centre, AB-4C


Practical information

Wed 09/10/2024, 12:30 - 12:45 CET
Albert Borschette Conference Centre, AB-4C
Type of partnership
EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha
Smart and sustainable growth for regions



Session summary

The Green and Digital transitions are called twin transitions as they go hand-in-hand, they support each other, they reinforce each other.
For a sustainable future EU must continue following the path that has been set by SDG goals together with the “Green Deal” and “Europe fit for the digital age”.
To measure how we are advancing, we need reliable data.

Eurostat presented how the CO2 emissions changed since 1990, which regions reached the target of 55.0% reduction.

Organic farming was the next topic: EU’s organic area accounted for 8.3% of its utilised agricultural area. The target is to reach by 2030 at least 25% of the EU’s agricultural land under organic farming.

For sustainable transport Eurostat presented the share of electric passenger cars and electrified railway lines.

Accessibility is key for “leaving no one and no place behind”. In 2023, the share of EU households connected to the internet was 93.1%, still 6.0% of the EU population aged 16–74 had never used the internet. Eurostat mentioned the regions that are legging behind.

Different patterns of internet use was discussed, comparing Danish regions with Romanian regions.

Finally the digital skills topic was elaborated presenting values by the degree of urbanization. The Netherlands and Finland has already reached the target (namely 80% of all adults should have at least basic digital skills by 2030), though rural areas in Finland have significant disadvantage in that area.

Data are from the 2024 Eurostat regional yearbook package and the 2024 Urban and Rural Europe (to be released in 19 November)


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