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European Week of Regions and Cities

Shaping the physical and virtual connections of the future: the challenge of the 4 Motors for Europe

Mobility infrastructure, communications and virtual routes are intertwined in Europe. Digital communication and transport corridors are key areas to meet tomorrow's challenges as AI applications are increasingly used in mobility technologies, requiring new skills and strong strategic planning. For over 35 years, the 4 Motors for Europe have been at the forefront. With knowledge of local ecosystems and structuring skills, regions are once again the key to successfully connecting the EU.

  • Local and regional | Mobility and Transport | Cohesion | Digital and ICT
  • Code: 08PW24993
  • Jacques Delors building, JDE 62


Arnau Serra

  • Project Manager, Government of Catalonia - Secretariat for Digital Policies

Matteo Bianchi

  • Cor Member, Elected member Municipality of Varese

Florian Hassler

  • State Secretary for Political Coordination and Europe, State Ministry Baden-Wuerrtemberg

Florence Charnay

  • Coordinator of the regional strategy for AI, Department of Higher education, research and innovation, Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region


Practical information

Tue 08/10/2024, 16:30 - 18:00 CET
Jacques Delors building, JDE 62
Type of partnership
Regional partnership
CoR Political WorkShop
Smart and sustainable growth for regions
English, French, German
