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European Week of Regions and Cities

High quality statistics and data on Europe

We provide free and easy access to European regional statistics in a user-friendly way. We show the interactive and intuitive tools and services available via the Eurostat website and help users find the data they are looking for. We will present the latest edition of the Eurostat Regional Yearbook along with its interactive version and engage with visitors through an entertaining and educational quiz on regional statistics.

  • Territorial | Urban | Rural | Local and regional | National | Outermost | EU/ European | Neighbours (ENI + IPA + EFTA + UK) | Climate and environment | Sustainable | Mobility and Transport | Cohesion | Housing | Demographics (depopulation and ageing) | Health | Social inclusion and Equality | Migration | Education and culture | Tourism and Heritage | Digital and ICT | Jobs and Employment | Research and Innovation
  • Code: Stand241029



Practical information

Smart and sustainable growth for regions