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European Week of Regions and Cities

Bridging Disparities: Exploring SDGs' Role in Fostering Cohesion Policy in EU Regions

Cohesion Policy perfectly aligns with SDGs to create a cohesive framework for shaping inclusive public initiatives in the EU. Representatives from 4 EU regions with members actively engaged in the SEDEC Commission will have exchanges on gender equality and child protection initiatives, aimed at achieving a more social Europe that is economically competitive. Guided by SDGs 1-5, they explore how public policies can foster inclusivity and convergence, highlighting the vital role of Cohesion Policy

  • Territorial | Sustainable | Cohesion | Demographics (depopulation and ageing) | Health | Food | Social inclusion and Equality | Civil protection and risk prevention | Education and culture | Youth and citizens engagement | Jobs and Employment
  • Code: 09PW241401
  • Jacques Delors building, JDE 62


Peter Kaiser

  • Governor of Carinthia, Government of Carinthia

Bárbara García Torrijano

  • Regional Minister for Social Welfare, Government of Castilla-La Mancha

Anne Rudisuhli

  • Departmental Councillor for European Affairs and member of the Committee of the Regions, Bouches-du-Rhône Departmental Council

Cristina Manetti

  • Head of Cabinet, Regional Government - Regione Toscana


Practical information

Wed 09/10/2024, 09:30 - 11:00 CET
Jacques Delors building, JDE 62
Type of partnership
Regional partnership
CoR Political WorkShop
Competitiveness and convergence: two sides of the same coin
English, French, German
