1/ Short presentation by the European Commission on the EU Pollinators initiative, a comprehensive framework addressing the main drivers of decline in pollinators 2/ Methodology of self-assessment for regions and cities willing to act 2/ Showcasing examples of good practices by local authorities 3/ A discussion between the panel and the public 4/ Closing speech from the rapporteur of the European Committee of the Regions' opinion on the Pollinators initiative
- Territorial | Local and regional | EU/ European | Climate and environment | Sustainable | Youth and citizens engagement | Jobs and Employment
- Code: 08WS241422
- Albert Borschette Conference Centre, AB-4B
Hans Stielstra
Practical information
- When
Tue 08/10/2024, 09:30 - 10:30 CET
- Where
- Albert Borschette Conference Centre, AB-4B
- Type of partnership
- Partnership
- Format
- Workshop/ panel debate
- Theme
Smart and sustainable growth for regions
- Language
- English

Session summary
Hans Stielstra, Deputy Head of Unit D2, DG Environment, European Commission, introduced the EU Pollinators Initiative. He highlighted it as a comprehensive framework tackling the drivers of pollinator decline, such as habitat loss, climate change, and pesticides. The initiative aims to safeguard biodiversity and ensure sustainable ecosystems in the EU.
Adam Vanbergen, Research Director at INRAE; actively involved in the Safeguard project, discussed the Integrated Assessment Framework. The IAF offers a self-assessment tool for cities and regions to measure their efforts in pollinator protection and encourages evidence-based decision-making.
Tallinn Pollinator Highway (Video Message)
Ivo Arro from Tallinn’s City Planning Department shared insights into their Pollinator Highway project, which integrates green infrastructure into urban planning to create pollinator-friendly corridors.
Region Grand Est, France
Sophie Ouzet, Head of the Biodiversity Division, described how the region developed a regional pollinator plan aligned with France’s national strategy, emphasizing collaboration between local authorities and stakeholders.
The debate engaged both panelists and participants, focusing on practical challenges and solutions for implementing pollinator initiatives at the regional and local levels. The discussion highlighted the need for cooperation, public awareness, and the alignment of policies across scales.
Marta Mansanet, Policy Officer at the Commission for Environment, Climate change and Energy (ENVE) of the European Committee of the Regions (CoR) delivered a closing speech on behalf of Frida Nilsson, councillor of Lidköping and member of the CoR Regions. She emphasized the importance of local actions complementing EU strategies and encouraged continued efforts to protect pollinators across Europe. She highlighted three key messages: the crucial role of local and regional leadership, the need to strengthen collaboration across sectors and the requirement for sustained and long term commitment, innovative thinking and continuous adaptation.