The talk will present the results of the EUI forward-looking survey, which gathers insights from EU policy makers and practitioners on urban challenges, opportunities and knowledge gaps. The session will also mark the public launch of the report, demonstrating how the contributions have created an in-depth understanding of the EU urban landscape. The event will stimulate further exchange at the EUI stand and engage stakeholders in shaping the future of EUI support.
- Urban | Sustainable | Cohesion
- Code: 08TK241654
- Albert Borschette Conference Centre, AB-4D
Practical information
- When
Tue 08/10/2024, 11:30 - 11:45 CET
- Where
- Albert Borschette Conference Centre, AB-4D
- Type of partnership
- Partnership
- Format
- EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha
- Theme
Smart and sustainable growth for regions
- Language
- English

Session summary
This session presented the urban needs and opportunities and key findings of the EUI Forward-Looking Survey.
The survey, conducted by the European Urban Initiative (EUI) and widely disseminated by the EUI Urban Contact Points, with 364 respondents from 104 EU regions, revealed that the top priorities for cities are: Mobility (30%), Climate Adaptation (33%) and Affordable Housing (32%). Large, developed cities are focusing on the circular economy and climate action, while smaller, less developed areas are prioritising job creation and the digital transition.
Key operational needs include strategic planning (45%), multi-level governance (45%) and access to public funding (58%).
Although 74% of respondents were familiar with the European Urban Initiative (EUI), small cities often lack awareness. 67% plan to engage in EUI capacity building, particularly through town-to-town exchanges.
The next steps are the publication of the full report by the end of the year and the next survey in 2026.
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