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European Week of Regions and Cities

AI automated bus lanes and bus stops enforcement in Europe

Illegal parking in bus stops and bus lanes is an issue in Europe, as it increases traffic congestion and the possibility of car crashes. AI-automated bus lanes and stops enforcement can help cities solve this. How? The session will highlight how AI can help Public Transport Organisations (PTOs) in Europe by offering a more efficient, on-time and reliable service to citizens, enhancing safety and accessibility for transit riders.

Coordinator's website
To register for an EURegionsWeek close to you session, you will need to go to the Coordinator's website. The EURegionsWeek organisers do not process any participant data for these sessions, and are not responsible for their content.
  • Urban | Local and regional | National | INTERREG | Outermost | EU/ European | Neighbours (ENI + IPA + EFTA + UK) | International | Sustainable | Mobility and Transport | Governance and Public administration | Digital and ICT | Industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs (enterprise/ startup/ business)
  • Code: Side241688
  • Online Session


Olga Pereira

  • Councillour, Câmara Municipal de Braga

Pedro Moreira

  • Head of Unit, Câmara Municipal de Braga

Renee Autumn

  • Sr. Director of Global Strategy, Hayden AI

Eduardo Mascarenhas

  • Project Manager, EIT Urban Mobility


Jezabel Martinez Fabregas

  • Representative, Hayden AI Technologies

Practical information

Tue 15/10/2024, 15:00 - 16:30 CET
Online Session
Type of partnership
EURegionsWeek close to you
Smart and sustainable growth for regions
