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European Week of Regions and Cities

Boosting business in regions

What are the barriers to growth for firms in different regions? How can and should policy help regions overcome them? In this workshop, experts from the OECD, DG Regio and EURADA will discuss this question, briefly setting the scene by drawing on recent OECD work on the performance of firms (particularly SMEs) in different regions, the Commission's 9th Cohesion Report, and the daily activities of RDAs, before engaging the audience in a discussion on how to reconcile competitiveness and cohesion.

  • Territorial | Urban | Rural | Local and regional | National | EU/ European | International | Cohesion | Demographics (depopulation and ageing) | Digital and ICT | Industry, entrepreneurship and SMEs (enterprise/ startup/ business) | Investment and Finances | Jobs and Employment | Research and Innovation
  • Code: 09WS241857
  • Albert Borschette Conference Centre, AB-4B



Alexandra Rusu

  • Representative, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development

Practical information

Wed 09/10/2024, 14:30 - 15:30 CET
Albert Borschette Conference Centre, AB-4B
Type of partnership
Workshop/ panel debate
Competitiveness and convergence: two sides of the same coin



Session summary

To be competitive, regions need to be productive. There are wide gaps in productivity across EU regions: developed regions are 60% more productive than less developed regions.

To boost business and encourage growth, regions can foster innovation, secure access to finance and human capital for firms, and create a business-friendly regulatory environment that protects public interests while reducing administrative burdens.

European funding programmes exist for each of these dimensions, with an aim to encouraging regional convergence while boosting competitivity.

Regional development agencies (RDAs) play a key role in ensuring that European funding programmes achieve their goals. RDAs are uniquely positioned to bring together stakeholders across all levels of government and all sectors, including the public sector, the private sector and the research and innovation sector. They can help understand needs and identify tailor-made solutions.