The Spačva Basin, one of the largest oak forests in Europe, famous for the Slavonian oak, is a biologically, ecologically, economically and socially important resource suffering from extreme weather events. With an inclusive, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral and multi-actor approach, Competence Centre is gathering stakeholders on cross-border and international levels to systematically address climate change with nature-based solutions to enhance the resilience of the local forest ecosystem.
- Rural | Local and regional | INTERREG | Climate and environment | Sustainable | Tourism and Heritage | Circular economy | Research and Innovation
- Code: 08TK241859
- Jacques Delors building, JDE 61

Practical information
- When
Tue 08/10/2024, 16:30 - 16:45 CET
- Where
- Jacques Delors building, JDE 61
- Type of partnership
- Partnership
- Format
- EURegionsTalks / Living Library/Pecha Kucha
- Theme
Smart and sustainable growth for regions
- Language
- English

Session summary
Spačva-Bosut forest is one of the biggest oak forests in Europe, consisting of 40.000 hectares in Croatia and 10.000 hectares in Serbia.
1 large tree produces oxygen for 4 persons (a family of 4)
(US Department of agriculutre)
1 average oak tree stores 18,9 kg CO2 per year
(Kohlenstoffinventur 2017)
Now, Spačva Bosut forest is suffering from extreme weather events as effects of climate change: droughts, heatwaves, floods, invasive species and most recently storms. Last storm from July 2023 with wind speed of more than 200 km/hour in 15 minutes destroyed 1 million kubic metres of high quality raw wood material of Slavonian oak with direct financial damage of nearly 1 million euro.
Competence Centre Ltd. for research and development is Business Support Organisation connecting all forest based industry stakeholders on inclusive, interdisciplinary, cross-sectoral and multiactor approach for smart and sustainable use of our valuable natural resources.
Croatian Forests is state owned company managing Croatian part of Spačva Bosut forest (40.000 hectares) as well as 74% of all forests in Croatia.
Vojvodina Forests is state owned company managing Serbian part of Spačva Bosut forest (10.000 hectares).
To continue producing oxygen, storing carbon, delivering high quality raw wood material and other economy, ecology and social benefits of the forest, Spačva Bosut forest need our help - large scale project of restoration, regeneration and protection for strengthening climate resilience of this valuable forest ecosystem on area of 50.000 hectares in Croatia and Serbia.
Spačva Bosut forest, one of the largest oak forests in Europe, with famous Slavonian Oak, is biologically, ecologically, economically and socially important resource. Now it is suffering from extreme weather events.
In the summer of 2023, an extreme weather event, a windstorm, severly damaged the forests in the Vukovar-Srijem County, mostly forests in the Spačvan Basin.
One of the key outcomes of the project Naturavita was the Study on the Revitalization of Water Ecosystems in the floodplain area of Kopački Rit Nature Park, based on three years of water monitoring and water-dependent ecosystems.