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European Week of Regions and Cities

High-Level thematic session "Smart and sustainable growth for regions"

The clean tech revolution is Europe's next major challenge. How to bring it about in a way that is mindful of territorial and infrastructural disparities, societal challenges and geopolitical uncertainties? The EU is leading the policy development to ensure that European industries have the level playing field they need. This session will highlight how Cohesion Policy fosters the uptake of clean technologies, builds sustainable value chains, and attracts private investments, promoting smart and sustainable growth. The EU and Cohesion policy are there to enable Regions to face challenges based on their location, infrastructure, industry structure, and innovation capacity, necessitating tailored approaches. Balancing economic goals with societal challenges like education and environmental sustainability is key, requiring ongoing stakeholder consultation, policy experimentation, and results monitoring. Watch replay

  • Urban | Rural | Local and regional | EU/ European
  • Code: 09EU241908
  • Autoworld, Meeting room Minerva


Renato Reis

  • Representative, PIEP - Inovation Pole in Polymer Engineering

Practical information

Wed 09/10/2024, 11:30 - 13:00 CET
Autoworld, Meeting room Minerva
Type of partnership
EU session
Smart and sustainable growth for regions
