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European Week of Regions and Cities

Should I stay or should I go? Harnessing innovation and digital skills for talent retention

In the words of the former Italian head of government, Enrico Letta, how can we transform the 'freedom to go' into the 'freedom to stay'? What are the existing good practices when it comes to talent retention policies? How do digital skills and STEM disciplines contribute? The round table will host local representatives from regions presenting best practices and policies on IT talents, developing digital skills and on virtuous examples of urban development and investments in EU Member States. To register please send an email to: with “Digital Skills for Talent Retention” in the subject heading. Only registered participants will have access to the venue.

Coordinator's website
To register for an EURegionsWeek close to you session, you will need to go to the Coordinator's website. The EURegionsWeek organisers do not process any participant data for these sessions, and are not responsible for their content.
  • Local and regional | National | EU/ European | Education and culture | Digital and ICT | Research and Innovation
  • Code: Side241762
  • Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels, Belgium


Valeria Fascione

  • regional minister, research, innovation and startups, Campania Region, Italy

Giorgio Ventre

  • scientific director; full professor, Apple Developer Academy; Università di Napoli Federico II

Zuzanna Stańska

  • CEO and founder, DailyArt

Dan Boyle

  • Lord Mayor, City of Cork


David Osimo

  • director of research, the Lisbon Council

Practical information

Tue 08/10/2024, 11:30 - 12:45 CET
Rue de la Loi 155, Brussels, Belgium
Type of partnership
EURegionsWeek close to you
Regions got talent
