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European Week of Regions and Cities

Charting the course: Navigating competitiveness and convergence for Europe's regions

OECD presents an overview of global trends in competitiveness and economic convergence, focusing on productivity trends and differences across regions. Eurostat follows with the latest statistical data and analysis, showcasing the latest trends in economic convergence within the EU, incorporating metrics beyond GDP. JRC closes the session with insights on the interaction between economic and demographic change, showing how different types of regions are likely to evolve in the coming decades.

  • Territorial | Local and regional | Cohesion | Demographics (depopulation and ageing) | Social inclusion and Equality | Education and culture | Digital and ICT | Jobs and Employment | Research and Innovation
  • Code: 09WS241241
  • Albert Borschette Congress Center, AB-4A


Rudiger Ahrend

  • Representative, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development


Practical information

Wed 09/10/2024, 16:30 - 17:30 CET
Albert Borschette Congress Center, AB-4A
Workshop/ panel debate
Competitiveness and convergence: two sides of the same coin